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    Document management system

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      HR documents and Intranet

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        Contracts, Invoices, Procurement

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          E-signature M365

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              Document and process management system in M365 environment

              Document management is an essential part of every organization. It involves the efficient management and organization of electronic documents and files. Microsoft 365 environment provides several document management solutions, including SharePoint and OneDrive, which can be used to manage and store documents.

              SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that enables organizations to manage, share, and collaborate on documents in a secure and controlled environment. It is a centralized document management system that provides easy access to documents from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. SharePoint allows users to store, share, and collaborate on files, which makes it ideal for team collaboration and project management.

              OneDrive is a personal cloud storage service that allows users to store, share, and access their files from any device. It is a powerful document management tool that integrates with Microsoft Office applications and enables users to edit documents in real-time.

              One of the biggest advantages of using SharePoint and OneDrive in Microsoft 365 environment is their integration with other Microsoft applications. This means that users can access and collaborate on documents from other Microsoft applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, without leaving the application.

              Another advantage of using SharePoint and OneDrive is their security features. Microsoft 365 environment provides advanced security features, such as encryption, access control, and two-factor authentication, which helps protect sensitive documents and files from unauthorized access.

              In addition to SharePoint and OneDrive, Microsoft 365 environment provides several other document management solutions, including Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and Microsoft Stream. These applications provide unique document management features, such as real-time collaboration, social media integration, and video content management.

              Overall, Microsoft 365 environment provides a comprehensive document management solution that enables organizations to manage their documents efficiently and securely. The integration of SharePoint and OneDrive with other Microsoft applications and advanced security features make it an ideal document management solution for organizations of all sizes.

              If your organization uses Microsoft 365 environment applications, Prodo can be a great choice for fulfilling your DMS needs. Prodo allows you to take advantage of all the benefits of Microsoft 365 applications while automatically managing and organizing your documents, making your organization’s daily work easier. Contact us to learn more about DMS solutions for your organization.